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Excerpt from Hawk Lore: Initiation, Chapter 6, Coldwynne Hall



A girl on H'atoria's right took some deep inhalations through her nose, and began to stride down the room. She became briefly distorted, before being seen walking once more, now a speck in the distance. She continued in that manner, getting smaller and more irritated each time she slowed.


‘You’ll ne’er master Speed Travel if you canny stay composed girls!' Wise Old Eraldy howled. 'Firs’ rule! Draw on yoor other lessons! Remem’er. Still meditations an’ dynamic stretches! Intuition! Cleansing! Connection!’


She turned to H’atoria, who had scuttled over to her theory book and was immersed in the first chapter. Wise Old Eraldy whipped it out of her hands and dragged her up onto unsure feet.


‘Up north, we like t’ try! Sooo, begin wit’ the breathing technique. Tha’s it, tha’ one ther’.’


H’atoria stood behind Hessy and Glyn, content with watching her classmates on the first lesson. Glyn was able to get a few metres, before stalling and never recovering. Hessy was only able to increase her speed by a slight surge past what is normally possible, before slurring back into heavy bones. Both had been studying the Discipline for nearly a year, and the exasperation in the room was evident. The vicious cycle of frustration and failure had trampled on the girls’ patience. They looked round to her expectantly. 
She took her place, and focused. She took four deep breaths in, visualising the world slowing to a near halt. 
She could be the girl who succeeded first time. The girl from the town. Allowed to succeed. 
Four shallow breaths visualising herself speeding up. 
Everyone would want to be her friend. 
Hope pushed her forwards in a sudden surge. One step. 



And another. 

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