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The Power Of​



Touch is arguably the most important sense in our development. If we feel safe through loving hugs and are given full sovereignty over our bodies, we will have a much easier ride growing up. Even if this has not been the case, coming into a loving relationship with our bodies in adulthood is imperative to our well-being. Are you aware of how responsible you are for your own body?



Feet As A Map


Yes, I know you might not like feet. That in itself is really important to notice. The feet play a huge role in keeping us grounded. It is very rare that we walk outside on the earth barefoot and feel connected, but our feet are the point at which we can give any negative energies back to the earth to be transmuted. They are our antennae when it comes to feeling grounded. They send messages to the brain about pressure and temperature, and they are also where all of our organs and their energies can be found. Here is a map. As you can see, the bottom of the feet correlates to the pelvic area, and the toes relate to the parts of the head:

The best way to go about this is to have a pamper night: take a shower (or bathe in Epsom salts), relax deeply with calming music, and get somewhere comfy so you can reach your feet.


Use moisturiser to give yourself a gentle massage. Keep the map of your feet next to you so that when you wince or find a really tough spot, you can pinpoint exactly on the map which inner part of you this correlates to. You might even feel it in the part of the body. Take your time soothing over it. You will most likely feel the organ start to make itself known, in little pangs or in a gentle pulsating. This is okay; it is because you have found the place on your foot where you can physically reach your insides (it can be strange!).


Now we can see which emotion this might be stemming from. These are just a few of the main ones, so research more on the particular body part in which you are experiencing tension:


Heart: over-excitement, hate

Liver: anger, frustration

Lungs: sadness, depression

Kidneys: fear, fright

Gallbladder: shock

Spleen: worry, anxiety


So now we may have found one of our pains/emotions that has been laying low within us.


And what to do with it...?





Lay or sit down somewhere quiet where you can close your eyes. It is always a good idea to have a window slightly ajar so that you have a wave of fresh air.


- close your eyes and just breathe. Let all the negative, darker energy out by exhaling through the mouth. Imagine it leave via the window on every out-breath. Let it all go. Breathe in light. Spend time gently filling every corner of your body with light and letting everything else out.


- give the area of your body that you feel needs emotional healing your full attention. To do this better, put the hands on that area. Send love from the heart centre there.


If emotions surface that require a physical reaction; perhaps a thrashing in anger or sobbing in guilt or shame, this is absolutely okay. It is a part of the healing. Find a safe way to release the emotion - that might involve a counsellor / therapist / professional healer if it feels too much and you need support in moving past it.


For those who experience chronic pain in any part of their body have already tried all the normal modern-day medicine avenues without luck, I would recommend finding a holistic healer or someone who works with energy in an advanced way to help you. There is Reiki, Quantum Energy Healing, and Past Life Regression. Consider the options, be discerning, and know that you will be guided to the right healing.



Crystals & Stones



Everything in our universe is made of vibration / frequencies. Ancient civilisations knew that crystals and stones had high vibrational qualities which could be utilised in energy healing. If you can think of some friends who would be perfect for a night of partying, then crystals are the equivalent in a healing atmosphere! They create the 'right vibe' and hold a space for us.


There are so many to choose from that it would be impossible to list them all. Here are my favourite three:


- Clear Quartz is the go-to, big time healer.

- Rose quartz heals the heart.

- Black tourmaline protects from negative energies.

- You will most likely already know of a crystal or stone that you are drawn to; either through its colour or shape or feel. I would encourage you to get to the nearest crystal shop and see where you are pulled. There are no mistakes! They make sure that you get the one that is right for you. Think of what it is you need; whether protection or confidence or increased energy, and let yourself be guided.




Stones, crystals, and jewellery pick up energy. And you can pick up on that.


- Sage is for cleansing. Get some sage and waft it around your crystals when you first get them.

- Play them music to increase their vibration (you can actually search ‘music for crystals’!)

- Cleanse them on the New Moon, (either with sage or water or both). For the Full Moon, try and place them outside in the earth if you can, so that they can soak up the moon’s rays. If you prefer to keep them inside, place them in a little pot of soil and in the light of the moon.


Crystals are a powerful tool in healing, and when they are ready, they will leave us and seemingly disappear! Job done! But while they are with you, treat them well, cleanse them, and let them be a friend...



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