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In Five Minutes





Scripture: The Vedas


Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, much like its language - Sanskrit - with some of its scriptures dating back to 5500BC. Unlike other religions, there are no teachers or humans named as important. Brahma is the God of Hinduism, who manifests as thousands of Gods and Goddesses. Each manifestation of Brahma can be called upon to assist a person in an area of their life. It is a religion that has evolved over time - and time is a huge focus. Hindus believe time is circular - hence the belief in reincarnation. Hinduism has also been closest to understanding the dates for the beginning of the world, having estimated the earth as billions of years old long before modern science came along, as well as being the first to use mathematical terms such as pi, infinity, zero, and so on...


Teachings: 'Moksha' is the aim of Hinduism - the release or liberation to become forever united with the divine. Om is the first sound of the universe and creation, which is why we often hear it chanted in meditation. In the Vedas, the cow is a sacred symbol of life - this is why Hindus will not harm them and tend to stay vegetarian altogether.






Buddha Statue

Scripture: Tiptaka / Pali Canon


Gautama Buddha lived in Ancient India (around 500BC). He left a life of luxury, a wife, and a child in search of the meaning of life. After trying the course of abstinence for many years -- refraining from sex, alcohol, food, etc -- the Buddha realised he was weak and wasn't getting anywhere. He started eating and did everything in moderation, causing his five followers to abandon him. He found a spot under a Bodhi Tree and sat with the intention of not getting up until he had awakened. The moment came where he experienced everything; past lives, other dimensions, the universe being one, and what he called the end of all suffering. From this moment on, he endeavoured to teach what he had learned and returned the way he had come. Those who had abandoned him realised when they saw him that the Buddha was enlightened, and his following grew.


Teachings:  To attain nirvana - the end of suffering and reincarnation using the Wheel Of Dharma / The Eightfold Path (above).

(Photo courtesy of






Reading Torah

Scripture: the Torah (the Old Testament)


Judaism is Christianity before Christ, though this is a little known fact. In Genesis, God created the world, along with Adam & Eve - which led to the fall in the Garden of Eden. A few thousands years later, Noah survived the flood in his ark. Soon after that, Abraham is called by God to leave his own country and found a new nation. He is the head of the Israelites, who are God's chosen people - the first Jewish people. Moses leads the Israelites out of the hands of Egypt (via the plagues and the parting of the red sea) and a covenant is made with God. As the Israelites continue to break this covenant, it is prophesied that a Messiah will arrive. Those who follow Judaism are still awaiting that Messiah.


Teachings: The Ten Commandments. Judaism has many branches - with two being Liberal and Orthodox. Liberal Judaism has a modern approach to the teachings of the bible and is all about building a community. Those who follow Orthodox Judaism follow the word of the Torah strictly, which instructs that one must be God fearing, not idolise any other, and to rest on the Sabbath day (Saturday), among the other commandments.






Nativity Scene

Scripture: Holy Bible (Old and New Testaments)


Christians believe the Messiah did arrive. The New Testament details the birth and life of Jesus Christ - who Christians believe God sent as saviour. Jesus was raised Jewish and travelled teaching the word of God. He performed miracles and gained a following of disciples. He was accused of heresy by the Jewish people he preached to, namely because he did not adhere to tradition and announced that he was Christ. He prophesied his own crucifixion, and Christians believe he died on the cross for humankind's sin. He therefore formed a new covenant by announcing that if people turned to him and renounced their sin, they would be saved. Jesus is the only religious figure deified past being a prophet. He is acknowledged as God in human form - the mediator between humans and God.


Teachings: the Ten Commandments (same as Judaism). Christians believe that one's life should be given over to Jesus Christ and all sin repented. Like Judaism, many churches have reformed Christianity to bring it into the modern day, while others believe that this is dissenting from the faith.






Afternoon Prayer

Scripture: the Qur'an


Be prepared for some surprises. Islam is related to the Abrahamic religions (Judaism / Christianity). It acknowledges Jesus, Moses, and Abraham. Muhammed is known as the father of Islam, and the Islamic calendar started when he left Mecca in 622AD. He spent time in a cave called Hira, praying, where he was visited by the Angel Gabriel. Muhammed started receiving revelations straight from Allah (God), and preached that 'God is one' and should be surrendered to. Jesus is acknowledged as the second most important prophet. Islamic countries made very early scientific breakthroughs, as well as other inventions such as coffee, algebra, and trained pharmacy. The Islamic calendar is based on the moon's phases.


Fun fact: Mary - Jesus' mother - is mentioned more times in the Qur'an than she is the New Testament.


Teachings: The Five Pillars of Faith - pray five times a day, give 2.5% of earnings to charity, fast during Rammadan, say the declaration of faith, make a pilgrimage to Mecca.






Sikhism - comes from the Indian subcontinent, and like its close relations, believes in reincarnation. Sikhs follow the Guru Granth Sahib, which says one should follow God's will with truthfulness, fidelity, self-control, and purity.


Paganism - is based on pre-Abrahamic folkloric ideology. With no scriptures to go by, Paganism covers a wide scope of ideas as to the creation of the universe and how one should live their life. Stone circles are just one of the mystical structures left all over the world that people view as Pagan. Paganism includes Wicca - which forms Covens through which members casts spells using the natural world.


Taoism - the 'Tao' - the way - is the origin and law of all things in the universe. People can become deities by becoming one with nature.


African Folk Religions - Animism is the idea that objects, places, and creatures possess a spiritual essence. African folk religions also believe in guardian spirits, deities that take charge of nature, and the importance of ancestor worship.

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