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Seven days.

Seven letters.



Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Hand Writing
Day 7
Day 2
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3



Firstly, let me say this is open to men, too. In this time, we will write to ourselves from the very power in which we start and hold life - the place from which we are capable of performing miracles. It is not necessarily about giving life to another human, but also about ideas and manifestations. When tapping into our feminine consciousness, where we hold our inspiration, our strength, and our magnificence, anything is possible.


It is a great idea to do start this on the day that we menstruate (or the day of the new moon for those who do not menstruate). Follow your intuition and write whatever feels important to you at this time of renewal. We are doing this as the womb or moon begins its waxing phase, which means that the energy is rising. We, over the course of seven days, will rise with it. Up from the ashes.


Our womb is every woman who has ever been in our lives.

She knows us inside out, and cares only to see us at our most empowered.

In her, we find comfort, love, and acknowledgement for our achievements.




Day One


This is the first day of cleansing. We may physically be feeling a rebirth, or simply know that the energy is low. And so we must start at the beginning, as though it is the beginning of time.


We can begin the letter in whichever way feels most assertive:


From the womb…


Then, we will focus on what we are physically feeling. Imagine us, the womb, falling through and out. Imagine the death of a life not formed, and perhaps experience the slight mourning that comes with it. In order to experience a rebirth, we must experience a death. This is the meaning of the death card in tarot - a rebirth. This is the very beginning, and we can acknowledge as such:


I am at my lowest… I cannot be seen. I sit in darkness.


Emotionally, we must also address where we are. With the lower energies come the need to hibernate or perhaps the distrustful feelings we have in relation to ourselves or others.


I am curled in a ball. I wish to never come out again, or to experience the push and pull of people.

I wish to be alone, and even then, it is not alone enough.


We may place anything in the letter that comes to us in this time. The womb is not separate to the personality, and so both will be experiencing much the same. Take time, be aware of the pains and twists in the gut, and move with them. Today is not the day to change, but to be. To accept what is right now.


When it comes time to sign the letter off, you may wish to go with something that gives you strength:


From the place in me where power never ceases to exist x




Day Two



Today, there shall be a shift. Begin your letter in a way that feels comforting; you may wish to keep it the same every day or change it up as you move forward:


Bringing the love into today…


We are now in the very midst of the new moon energies, and this means being in the process of a physical birth. This is often the heaviest day for menstruation, and so as we write from the womb, we feel into the energy of wanting to rid ourselves of anything that does not serve us. The womb soaks up our fears and attachments. Physically, and emotionally, we feel into whatever needs to be felt to let it go:


I feel that fear for the future. I feel the fear abandonment, and that fear of not being heard…


Get down to the very core fears within yourself. They may go back to your childhood, or even your own time growing in the womb. They might go back through your ancestry or past lives. Go into depth; hear the very deepest and darkest of your senses.


And then we remember the strength of the place from which we are writing. We end with a beacon of light for ourselves; a path to tomorrow:


I understand that life is the dimension of emotion and that I am here to feel.

But from here, this place of opportunity, I only know what it is to be empowered…


Sign it off:


From the place in me that grows with love... x




Day Three



And now as we fully cleanse, there is room in us, our womb, to hold the thoughts of the personality and sit with them:


All that needed to be expressed has been written. I now welcome an opportunity to heal and understand in this protected space. In here, my grief is accepted, and my needs moving forward are met…


Be completely accepting of what it is that needs healing in this time. It might be a feeling of loneliness, or shame, or guilt. Whatever it is, know that we have all the space in here for forgiveness. If it is not time to forgive, then we have the space to hold such sadness until it is time to release. Now, in our letter, we set the intention to move forward. There is nothing holding us back.


End by offering some encouragement to the personality, for all it does out in the world:


I am courageous for taking on the challenges I do, and for caring towards all those who depend on me…




The healer in me x




Day Four



Open in a way that feels like a continuation of the communication yesterday:


I have not forgotten my own needs…


We are now beginning to spark in possibility. It is time to see where our desire is drawing us. Be brave, be daring, for each thought and feeling is a little light born in the darkness:


I desire to speak my truth… I desire to explore my sexuality… I desire to live in a new place…


We must be specific, and detail all the little waves of creativity in our imagination! Allow the pulse in us to grow stronger in its desire for growth. And know, as we strengthen in the womb, we allow every new possibility to grow with us.


I am open to what may come my way. There is nothing that I cannot bear, for I am the giver of life. I plant the seeds.


And we sign off:


The keeper of secrets and desires x




Day Five



The awakening in us is beginning to show. We can see that with every letter, our power is being heard. As soon as we write something down, we bring it into form. Everything we write is understood by forces unseen to us. The possibility of outcomes is endless, so it is the day to be as energised and supportive as we are willing to be:


I am everything I need. I am capable, and nothing will get in my way when I live from the heart.


We offer light and guidance and intuition. If there is a question begging to be answered by our personality, we have the answer.


Yes, I am intelligent enough… I have every ability to succeed…


Make this the day of optimism, where you speak with authority and absolute belief. Signed:


The maker of all miracles x




Day Six



After all ideas are born, there comes a period of the seed sprouting. What is it your seed needs to flower?


I have everything here to make this happen. To bring my loving wishes into fulfilment…

I do have time and energy, and a will to persevere...


If the possibility that was in you was simply to appreciate all of life and your relationship with your body, then describe how the appreciation is flourishing:


I am abundant in love. There is gratitude flooding my veins and arteries.

I can feel them illuminating as I spread love through my body.


Do not hold back! It is the place in you which not only holds children, but also holds your inner child. Fill that child with love.




The one who knows what I need x




Day Seven



Welcome yourself with open arms. Discuss what has been addressed and healed and started afresh. Take the time to reassure yourself that everything you need is held in here, from the place you write. Nothing is out of reach, because here is where all possibility lies.


Send yourself off as though waving away a child setting sail on adventure. You are on dry land, always ready to welcome the personality back; ready to offer advice or guidance.


Be free and be brave. I can never fall too far, because I am grounded in love and wisdom…


We are now in the first quarter of the waxing phase, and so it is a good time to encourage dance and song and joy and social activity. It is a positive and energetic time. Perhaps you offer gentle words of caution if you have a personality that is quite volatile or up and down:


Be aware that it is easy to get carried away.

I feel into that spot where my power resides and know my strength without forcing it.




You. Me. The power.

Day 1
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